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Mar 18, 2022

Mandurah boosts women's roster

The Mandurah Magic have boosted their women's roster with the signings of Sierraleone Simpson, Kelly Bailey and Ashlyn Lee for the 2022 Coles Express NBL1 West season.

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The Mandurah Magic have boosted their women's roster with the signings of Sierraleone Simpson, Kelly Bailey and Ashlyn Lee for the 2022 Coles Express NBL1 West season.

Lee makes the move south to the MARC after spending several seasons as part of the Rockingham Flames team.

"Ash is someone that we think can complement our group with her size and willingness to learn," Magic coach Vlad Alava said.

"She’s been around the SBL/NBL1 scene for a few years now and is still young so we hope we can help develop her game over the next few years."

Bailey returns after missing 2021 and coach Alava is excited to have her back.

"Kelly was keen to comeback after not playing last year and she offers us plenty in that she’s a long, athletic wing player who is a very capable defender," he said.

"The challenge for her is the coming back after a year off scenario, which can be very tough for any player."

Simpson returns for another season with the Magic, following her impressive debut NBL1 West season.

"Sierraleone really impressed as a top age under 16 player last season," Alava said.

"She doesn’t take a backward step, is a genuine competitor and played a few games for us last year too.

"I’m really excited to have her back to continue her development and to think she’s still a bottom age under 18 player this year, speaks volumes of her potential and ability."

View the 2022 NBL1 roster tracker here

Feature image taken by the Harvey Waroona Reporter