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Apr 2, 2023

NBL1 CENTRAL Round 2 Recap: Sunday

Round 2 of NBL1 Central concluded with the Eagles soaring to the double with the sisters stepping out of the shadows - and the men contiuing the high flying show in a high scoring Sunday afternoon special. 

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Round 2 of NBL1 Central concluded with the Eagles soaring to the double with the sisters stepping out of the shadows - and the men contiuing the high flying show in a high scoring Sunday afternoon special.   

Here are the results from Sunday's games:

338788627 178292678425344 2758080851320696331 N

339234222 602063064904459 403967321037952209 N

Simons soars Eagles to second win on the fly

Jess Simons proved she’s ready to step up the level in the absence of sister Sam in 2023 with 21 points and five rebounds in the Eagles 79-59 win at the Nest. Katia Stamatelopoulos helped her Eagles fly again with 17 points, six rebounds and four assists as did Maddy Freer with a double double of 16 points and 14 rebounds. Adelaide Lightning’s Brooke Basham made her debut for the Rockets finishing with 21 points and six rebounds – but was well held by the Eagles defence.  

Machar monsters one home as Doyle leads Eagles home  

Melbourne United development player Malith Machar monstered one down again with this fastbreak finish in the Eagles 113-103 against the North Adelaide Rockets. Adam Doyle was electric in the finale finishing with 27 points, seven assists and four rebounds. Former Canberra Gunner Akech Aliir fired up for 20 points and 14 rebounds and dropped a double double along with Koop McCalop who contributed 22 points and 12 rebounds.